
Week #1 90 Days to Financial Independence Program and Website Updates

Becoming Familiar With Your New Website!

It is very important to take some initial steps in getting to know your new ministry website. I say yours because you have your own Member/Affiliate link to this website that you will be using to share this ministry with all of your friends, relatives and neighbors. Some of the things that you should know; 

  1. Become thoroughly familiar with your account dashboard by logging into your account and clicking on the various links.
  2. You will find your affiliate link/url (if you have not already done so)  under the Marketing tab, then clicking on Affiliate Links. Choose the Default Link, as this is the  one we are currently using until further notice.
  3. Please click on and completely read the Terms and Conditions link, if you have not done so already.
  4. While giving your Monthly Offering make sure you have come to this website on your affiliate link/url and you are not logged into your account. This is the way the multi level marketing software works and if we don’t give the offerings and or donations in this way, you and those in your upline may not get the Blessing commission that God has intended for you.
  5.  Also fully navigate the rest of the site to see what content is available to you by clicking on the various tabs.
  6.  It is at this point that we absolutely encourage you to click on this link and Sign Up for our 90 Days to Financial Independence Program, if you have not done so already. Through this program we will be sending you weekly training courses that will help you become successful and hopefully see your income go from $0.00 per month with our ministry, to over $2,000.00 per month and growing for the rest of your life.