The Year Round Key

God has instructed for me to share with you, all, the secret vision that He has given me, The Year Round Key to your success in your inhabiting your dreams in this life and His dream of you living with Him in eternity.

“You II”

“You II”

God made us to be different than Himself, even at the risk of us sinning against Him. Watch this video as we explore God making us in His image and how being different than Him allows Him to forgive us.


Having a Dream is so very Important.

God wants to give you your dreams in life! Take a few moments with me, as we explore how your Dream, can transform your life.


When considering the proper message from God to the earth He wants to share with us how important “You” are to Him.

The Presentation

The Presentation

     We are happy to announce the coming of our Presentation, our new video explaining how the Financial Ministry of Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated works. For many of our Members this video will serve as a baseline of understanding the Financial Ministry, while introducing the program to new people. Whether you are new to the Ministry or not please feel free to watch the video as many times as you like. Once you gain the level of comprehension of the Financial Ministry that is comfortable to you, we hope that you will click on this Sign Up link and join the program.

Let Us Take Action

     We are at a place within Christendom where we need to take action. The population of the earth is fast approaching 8 billion people when the Christian population worldwide is approximately 2.2 billion and decreasing. We need this trend to turn around because Jesus gave us the Great Commission to,Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,  teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20

     Our ministry, Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated has been formed in the earth by God, for this purpose. To position the Church to be successful at reaching the world with the gospel worldwide, while blessing people with their dreams. Jesus not only preached unto people the words of eternal life, He met their everyday needs, as well as gave them their dreams. Dreams that many of them thought were impossible, like giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and even raising some from the dead. Our ministry(personal service), mine and yours, can do the same, simply by helping others prosper. People need help, and certainly God is willing to give it. When we allow Him to use us, then others will receive His aid through us, and hopefully give their lives to God in Christ. Would you join with us as we reach the world?…

     There are 3 ways you can help;

  1. By joining our Evangelism/Financial Ministry you can take part in arguably the most rewarding profession in the world, winning souls to God in Christ. Just click on this link and follow the instructions on our Sign Up page to get started.
  2. You can help us stay in full time ministry by giving financially to the ministry. By choosing this link and giving an offering to God that best suits your desires, you can also be well acquainted with our Ministry and the cause of Christ.
  3. As well some people feel uncomfortable taking action  because they just don’t have enough information. By going to this link and joining our 90 Days to Financial Independence Program, you can gain that information in a great way because;
  •  You will learn much of what it takes to be successful within our Ministry.
  •  We send weekly emails of our program directly to you for 90 Days. This will help in keeping you connected to our Ministry and the cause of prospering others and yourself.
  •  You will be free to enjoy all of the content we have available on the website. 

     So please do not hesitate today. The desires of God in Christ are upon you. Will you join with us, in taking one of the above actions, that will help us reach the world for Jesus? 

God bless you.

Become A Part Of The Movement!

God loves everybody, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, financial status, prejudices, popularity, criminal background, etc., you name it. For the Bible says God so loved the world, (that means everyone in it) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever(that means everybody too) believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 And He has afforded all people the opportunity to be forgiven of their sins and inherit eternal life. Let us join the movement of loving our neighbors as opposed to judging them for Jesus said, “Judge not that ye be not judged, For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2

This is a conversational video on how we can have the proper Christian narrative.

So sit down with me, perhaps with a cup of coffee or tea and let us enjoy a time of fellowship together, over this video of considering a different narrative for Christianity. A narrative that will love the person you are trying to share the gospel with, one that will offer aid to their hurting soul, and a messaging that won’t turn people off and away but will welcome them into the loving arms of God in Christ. The Proper Christian Narrative that actually comes from Jesus and the Bible. And join this Movement of changing the old fire and brimstone , “you’re going to hell” messaging, to a “come as you are, God loves you”, narrative.

This is a conversational video on forgiveness

Coupled with Forgiveness, our witness can truly be loving and effective.