God’s Money Token and Climate Change

Climate Change

We now have the opportunity to end world poverty by increasing the wealth of every person on the face of the planet. In doing so we can help all people, including those who are living in extreme poverty to better adapt to and become more resistant to the adverse affects of climate change, Also we need to help fund our God’s Money™ cryptocurrency tokens to reach the status of an investment, so that they can be marketed and sold as such on other cryptocurrency exchanges. By purchasing the GSM and GSMP tokens you can help provide the funds we need to retain the attorneys needed to complete the processes necessary for God’s Money™ cryptocurrency tokens to be sold as an investment and for Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated to have our own money exchange business license. Please watch the video above so that you can better understand the benefits of how our God’s Money™ tokens will help the world end extreme poverty while providing wealth for all and help with climate change. After you have done so, please feel free to click on the following links to purchase our God’s Money™ GSM cryptocurrency token and our God’s Money™ GSMP cryptocurrency tokens.

Thank you and have a God blessed day.

Bishop Smith