Financing Climate Change
The world has become vastly aware and concerned over the issue of the adverse effects of Climate Change in the earth. As everyone considers what kind of world are we going to leave our children and grandchildren, it is now incumbent upon everyone to do something to reverse how we approach living on this planet. From a way of just decimating the earth for need, greed and profit, to a way of living that is good for all people as well as preserving this planet in a blessed state for generations to come and enjoy.
One of the challenges for those leading in the area of Climate Change is where do they get the funds to finance all of the demands that it will take for us to adjust our behaviors as well as help developing nations to become more Climate Change resilient. In the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, that took place from 31 October to 12 November 2021, leaders were pressed from developing nations on where the money that the developed nations had promised them for making adjustments for Climate Change, but only former promises were reiterated.
This is where Climancing™(financing climate change), and Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated Financial Ministry, God’s Money™ can help. As our Ministry provides an economic engine for all people in the world including those of extreme poverty in developing nations, we can help developing nations have the abundant finances they need to become Climate Change resilient, all without adding to our carbon footprint in the earth. As they receive abundant finances through our Ministry they will be able to build systems and infrastructures that will aide them in becoming carbon free societies, while preserving our beautiful planet.
Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated has designated our Bronze Affiliate Membership Program for Climamcing™, Financing Climate Change. This means that many of our funds raised from our offerings to God and our God’s Money™ GSM and GSMP cryptocurrency tokens will go toward the economic empowerment of those living in developing nations. As you purchase our GSM and our GSMP cryptocurrency tokens, give offerings to God and or become a Bronze Member/Affiliate of this Ministry, you will become someone who is taking action in addressing this crisis in our world today. Many are becoming stressed out over this issue, but if each of us unite and do our small part, then we can make the substantial change that is needed to make this world a better place for all people to live in for generations to come..