90 Days To Financial Independence

In the next 90 days we want to focus on several areas that will make our ministry organization grow, keeping in mind that aside from God Himself, our greatest asset is people working together with us. So no matter how we get people to initially join the ministry, connecting with them, helping them and loving them is of utmost importance. That said let me share with you our 90 Days to Financial Independence Program. That if followed, we hope that your income will grow from 0 to over $2,000.00 per month in 90 days. Then grow from that point on, for the rest of your life, leading to financial independence.

Week #1

Day 1

  • Join Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated.
  • Give your $10.00 Monthly Offering to God through your website with the ministry, or (set a date before the end of the month when you will give your $10.00 Offering to God). Make sure you come to this website on your affiliate link and you are not logged into your account while giving your offering and or donation.

Week #2

Days 8 – 13

  • Make list of 1-24 people that are close to you, close friends, immediate family members, colleagues, co-workers and so forth.
  • Speak to these people and ask them to join in on the fun of reaching yours and their dreams in life!
  • Those that join you, help to complete the steps that you already completed, building that synergy that we talked about at the beginning of this program.

Week #3

Days 15 – 20

  • Make a little message, in your nice way, about joining what you are doing with your website link in it. Then post this message in every social media site that you are a part of.
  • Commit to repeating this process every 3 – 4 days(perhaps reminding yourself to do this in your daily planner), changing the message a little each time.
  • Make sure you answer all feedback you receive as this may lead to someone becoming interested and joining the ministry under you.
  • Those that join with you over social media, connect with them and help them complete the steps that you have now completed, building that synergy that we formerly talked about. 

Week #4

Days 22 – 27

  • Email Marketing is a good way to let people know about what you are doing, even though that person may not be that well connected to you. 
  • You could send emails to people in your network marketing circle or those that have given you emails on what they are marketing.
  • Our Multi Level Marketing system works on cookies, which means everyone who comes to this website on your Member/Affiliate link, will remain on your link even though they may leave. When they come back to the site on that device they will continue to be on your link.
  • As you send emails to those you know with your Member/Affiliate link, and they come to our website and enter our 90 Days to Financial Independence Program or various other email contact forms,  if they then Sign Up for our Financial Program, they would be signing up under you.
  • So create a message in your own words that encourages others to reach for their dreams by partnering with God.
  • Place directions to click your Member/Affiliate link in the email.
  • Send the email out to as many people as you feel comfortable with.
  • Hopefully people will just join one of our email programs and our Financial Program under you. But if someone contacts you, again please make sure that you respond to them promptly and courteously, as their interest may lead to them joining. 
  • Those that do join, help to complete the steps that you have now completed, once again building that synergy that we feel is so important to the ministry.

Week #5

Days 29 – 34

  • Phone calls are a great way of sharing the ministry with others.
  • As well, sharing  a nice text message with your Member/Affiliate link contained in it, can be a great way of letting others know about the ministry with your phone. 
  • We are also sharing in the video for Week #5, how you can share various pages and or videos that resonate with you, by using your Member/Affiliate link.

Week #6

Days 36 – 41

Business Cards are another great way of sharing the Financial Ministry with others.  Anytime you meet someone whom you believe would be interested in the program,

  • Just give them one of your business cards
  • Get their contact information 
  • Schedule a time when you get back with each other to discuss their feedback
  • Make sure you watch the videos for the 90 Days to Financial Independence Program Week #6 to learn how to have your business cards made with the Ark of the Covenant Ministries Inc. logo.

Week #7

Days 43 – 48

As we know there are many times when we come into contact with people whom we readily resonate and connect with, that we can share this ministry with. By doing so we are employing them to accomplish there dreams in life that have finances tied to them. Use this power that God has given you to change the world around you and the adverse circumstances of people that you become acquainted with.

Week #8

Days 50 -55

  • If you have some extra money to place ads, say $30.00 per month or so, then Google Ads is a great value.
  • Open a Google Ads account if you don’t already have one, and you feel comfortable doing so.
  • Place text ads, leading to your ministry website using your Member/Affiliate link, for Maximum Clicks, targeting words that will cost 1 – 5 cents per click, for the United States only.
  • Once again, make sure that you follow up with any feedback that you receive as these people’s interest will hopefully lead to their joining the ministry under you.
  • Those that join, help to complete the steps that you have now completed, once again building that synergy that we feel is so important to the ministry.

Week #9

Days 57 – 62

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Weekly Zoom Meetings are a great way of generating a sense of community among your team members while training them at the same time.

Week #10

Days 64 – 69


As you know by now giving our $10.00 Monthly Offering to God is very important to the success of Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated Financial Ministry. In this video we touch on further training on how to give your offering and the other forms of giving offerings. Please watch this video so that you will feel comfortable giving and also teach all those under you in the Financial Ministry how to give offerings to God.

Week #11

Days 71 – 76

How God is actually going to help us. Part I

Much of what we have been trained on thus far is on our responsibility in this partnership we are in with God on inhabiting our dreams in life. In this training module we are sharing God’s responsibility in our partnership with Him. 

Week #12

Days 78 – 83

How God is actually going to help us. Part II

As we have faith in God, He has provided a way whereby He can actually place people under us, who have already been sponsored into Ark of the Covenant Ministries Incorporated Financial Ministry. By watching the training video, you will learn how.

Week #13

Days 85 – 89

How God is going to help us overcome all of our struggles.

As we progress toward our success of inhabiting our dreams in life we will probably encounter some struggles. In this training video we are sharing with you how you can overcome every struggle that comes your way, as you have faith in God.

90 Days To Financial Independence Program Graduation

Day 90

Our Online Event

Courses by Week

Week #1 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #2 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #3 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #4 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #5 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #6 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #7 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #8 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #9 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #10 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #11 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #12 90 Days to Financial Independence Program

Week #13 90 Days to Financial Independence Program